Rene I. Luna, M.D., P.A.


Sun Safety and Skin Care During Pregnancy: Navigating the Summer Heat

Sun Safety and Skin Care During Pregnancy: Navigating the Summer Heat Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it comes with its unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing sun safety...

What Are the Best Ways to Find, Detect, and Cure Breast Cancer? ​

What Are the Best Ways to Find, Detect, and Cure Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is a major health concern that affects millions of women around the world. Early detection and effective treatment are...

How to Deal with Heavy Periods

How to Deal with Heavy Periods Heavy periods, medically known as menorrhagia, can be a challenging and distressing condition for many women. It’s not just a matter of inconvenience; heavy...

How to Prepare for Your First Gynecologist Visit

How to Prepare for Your First Gynecologist Visit Visiting a gynecologist for the first time can be daunting, but it’s crucial to maintaining your overall health. Whether going for a routine check-up...

What is the Difference Between a Midwife and an OB-GYN?

What is the Difference Between a Midwife and an OB-GYN? Choosing the right care provider for pregnancy and childbirth is a crucial decision for expectant parents. Two common types of providers are...

What Are the Benefits of Robotic-Assisted Surgery?

What Are the Benefits of Robotic-Assisted Surgery? Robotic-assisted surgery has revolutionized the medical field, offering unprecedented precision and control in various surgical procedures. In the...