Rene I. Luna, M.D., P.A.

Essential Health Screenings Every Woman Should Prioritize in Their 20s

Your 20s are a time of growth, discovery, and laying the foundation for lifelong health. As you embark on this exciting decade, it’s crucial to prioritize key health screenings to help detect and prevent issues early. Here’s a guide to the essential screenings every woman should have on her radar during her 20s. 

Pap Smear & HPV Testing 

Starting at age 21, women should begin getting Pap smears every three years. This test screens for abnormal cervical cells that could indicate the presence of cervical cancer. Many women in their 20s are also recommended to get tested for human papillomavirus (HPV), a major risk factor for cervical cancer. 

STI Screenings 

Regular screenings for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV are crucial for sexually active women. Early detection helps in treatment and prevents complications such as infertility. 

Breast Self-Exams 

While mammograms aren’t typically recommended until later in life, learning to perform monthly breast self-exams in your 20s is important. Familiarizing yourself with what’s normal for your body helps you detect any changes that might require further attention. 

Blood Pressure Screening 

High blood pressure can develop early without any symptoms. Getting your blood pressure checked at least once a year can help prevent heart-related issues. 

Cholesterol Testing 

If you have risk factors such as a family history of heart disease or obesity, you may need to start checking your cholesterol levels in your 20s. Early lifestyle adjustments can make a big difference in managing cholesterol and preventing long-term heart disease. 

Skin Checks 

Your 20s are the time to be vigilant about skin health, especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun. Regular skin checks, either self-administered or done by a dermatologist, help detect early signs of skin cancer, especially melanoma. 

Mental Health Screening 

Mental health is as important as physical health. Regular check-ins with a healthcare provider to discuss your mental well-being, especially if you’re experiencing stress, anxiety, or depression, can lead to early intervention and support. 

Blood Sugar Testing 

While diabetes screenings are typically recommended for older adults, women with a family history of diabetes, obesity, or other risk factors may benefit from blood sugar tests in their 20s. 

Your 20s are a time to build habits that support your health for decades. By staying on top of these essential screenings, you can catch potential issues early and set the foundation for a healthy future.